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Cashsaver Blog

Eating Healthy on a Budget

Table full of healthy foods.

Happy New Year from Memphis Cash Saver! People often focus on their health at the beginning of the new year and set resolutions to start healthy habits. Some set goals to lose weight, some need to lower their cholesterol, and others may want to stop drinking. Whatever the scenario, the new year is a great time to focus on healthy eating and plenty of exercise. 

Unfortunately, it’s not always easy to afford a healthy lifestyle. If your budget is stretched thin, you’re likely to pick up a box of mac-n-cheese, a cup of ramen, or order off the dollar menu at a fast-food chain. These foods are packed with sodium and processed ingredients, and will leave you feeling sluggish and unmotivated. However, if you know where to shop, like a cost-plus food store, and what to buy, you can maintain a healthy lifestyle. To help you on your journey, we have compiled a list of ways to eat healthy while staying on a budget.  

Set Up A Weekly Meal Plan  

You are less likely to deviate from your list when you have a plan, and when you have a plan, it’s much easier to save money at your favorite grocery store. Check out the store’s weekly ad circular for deals in every department. 

Choose Store-Brand Products  

At Cash Saver, we offer Best Choice and Always Save brands because of their high quality. If you look at the labels on name-brand food items and compare them to Best Choice or Always Save brands, most of them have the same ingredients. We guarantee you’ll save more money by selecting store-brand products. 

Buy Fresh Produce When It Is In Season 

Buy fresh fruits and vegetables based on what is in season. However, you can usually find fruits and veggies at a lower price in the frozen food or canned aisles; simply thaw out your products when you return home. Frozen fruits also work great when making smoothies. 

Keep Your Pantry Stocked With Healthy Food Staples 

When your pantry is empty, you are more likely to eat fast or convenient food. Fill the pantry with shelf-stable items such as: 

  • Brown rice 
  • Cans of tuna or chicken 
  • Dried beans or lentils 
  • Canned fruit or veggies 
  • Oatmeal 
  • Whole grain pasta 
  • Whole grain crackers 
  • Vegetable oil 
  • Seasonings 

Shop At A Cost-Plus Food Outlet  

You can slash your grocery bill tremendously by shopping at a cost-plus outlet like Cash Saver. Unlike other grocery stores, buying at cost plus 10% means lower prices on all grocery items in every department, every day. You do not have to pay a membership fee or purchase bulk to receive the savings. You also do not have to sacrifice your food selection, variety, quality, or freshness. Cash Saver has a variety of tasty, local items you likely haven’t seen at other stores. We hope you will visit us soon at one of our three locations in Memphis.  

  • 1620 Madison Avenue 
  • 1977 S. 3rd Street 
  • 4049 Elvis Presley Blvd