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Cashsaver Blog

Health Benefits of Walnuts

Walnuts are a super food that contain many beneficial nutritional components. Incorporating walnuts and a variety of other tree nuts into your daily routine not only adds flavor and texture it can boost your overall wellbeing.

Here are 3 benefits of eating walnuts consistently:

1. The omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids in walnuts make them the perfect food to help with memory enhancement and cognitive functioning.

2. Out of the entire tree nut family walnuts have one of the highest concentrations of antioxidants. Which means these tiny nuts can help prevent the growth of certain types of cancers.

3. The monounsaturated fats in walnuts help keep your heart strong. The nutrients in walnuts help lower LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and raise your good cholesterol.

Consider adding walnuts to your next salad, bowl of oats, yogurt or cottage cheese. These small nuts pack a big nutritional punch.