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Tag: wellness

Can Pasta be Part of a Healthy Meal Plan?

In recent years carbohydrates have been considered friend and foe. During the fat-free phenomenon in the ninety’s, bread and pasta were commonly promoted healthy choices for any meal. Then fad diets swung the opposite direction recommending more protein and low carbohydrates. Now many people are left to wonder if carbohydrates can be part of a healthy meal plan?

The short answer is, YES! Carbohydrates, like pasta, when enjoyed in the right portion size are part of a well-balanced meal plan. When it comes to pasta there are a few important factors to consider when implementing this wholesome food into a meal. Consider topping a serving of pasta with equal parts vegetables and protein. For example, 1/2 cup cooked whole wheat pasta pairs well with 1 cup of marinara meat sauce. Then serve that hot dish with a 2 cup serving of a green salad for a delightful well-balanced meal. Also, be mindful of pasta sauces that have high caloric concentrations. Here are three great recipes showing healthy ways to enjoy pasta.

Creamy Leeks And Noodles

Healthy Alfredo Sauce

Easy Homemade Marinara Sauce

See the Clearly Organic blog for more healthy recipes.

5 Ways To Stick With Your Health Goals

After the holiday season of eating, drinking and merriment many fitness centers see a rise in gym membership and attendance. However, regardless of this enthusiasm statistics show that gym attendance is typically back to its regular numbers by mid-February. No matter what your New Years health and wellness goals involve here are a few simple tips to stick with your good intentions.

  1. Write down your goal. Putting pen to paper helps many people make a more specific, measurable and achievable goal.
  2. Ask for help. Don’t be afraid to ask how to use a new machine, a piece of lifting equipment or the proper technique for a particular exercise.
  3. Make a schedule. To accomplish any goal you have to manage your time wisely. Pick a time of day that is sustainable for focusing on your goals.
  4. Diversify your wellness routine. Goals are about results and there are multiple ways to get results. Experiment with new exercises and foods to achieve your goal
  5. Find accountability. To stay on track schedule a time with a personal trainer of fitness coach. Find a workout buddy or use a digital fitness tracker to give you honest feedback.

A bonus tip that’s always well received is Reward Yourself. No one has to be told twice to cut themselves a little slack. Treat yourself to a little relaxation on your day off from working out or plan a fun event to look forward to celebrating your accomplishments.